DAV Mukhyamantri Public School

Jenjra, Block Katghora, Korba

Principal’s Message  

“Heaven is not reached at a single bound

But we build the ladder by which we rise

From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies

And we mount to the summit round by round”

The institution is functioning in accordance with the demands of time as it aims to facilitate an overall personality development of students especially from the rural and a predominantly agricultural based society. I hope that this endeavor will fulfill dreams and goals of tribal development and educational upliftment of the students of JENJARA. Our young and energetic teaching and non-teaching staffs are working very hard to give a new and modern shape to DAVMMPS JENJARA. 

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DAV Mukhyamantri Public School
Jenjra, Block Katghora, Korba
(A Co-Educational English Medium,
Senior Secondary Public School,
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.)
(Managed By DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi.)

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